Discovering Dublin Tech Week
April 18, 2018
If you’re new to the city and want to get a sense of the tech scene here, then you should certainly mark the week of the 16th of April in your calendar. Dublin Tech Week is run in conjunction with and promises a week crammed with techie events. Here’s a taster of what’s happening.
Meeting New People
If it’s networking you’re after then you’re in luck on April 17th for networking drinks in the quirky surroundings of The Vintage Room at The Workman’s Club. The event promises great conversation with some nibbles and drinks provided. Plus, you’ll get to rub shoulder with members of the WP Engine team including founder Jason Cohen.
Explore Blockchain and Fintech
If crypto is your thing, then make your way to the Dutch Embassy on April 17th for a and some short pitches. night is a collaboration between Irish and Dutch Blockchain and FinTech start-ups. Oh, and there’ll be free beer and pizza too.
No techie event would be the same without a ping-pong table, right? Well, be prepared to meet a table like no other. From the 17th to the 24th of April you can check out the work of British artist Robin Price in The Digital Hub. Price has designed a ping-pong table with 4,000 RGB LEDs under frosted polycarbonate. Each bounce triggers audio-visual effects programmed in code. The artist plays on people’s ideas of what they are and what they could become after a technological intervention. Take a sneak peek at the piece, which is entitled ‘.’
Testing it Out
The popular ‘’ meetup group will be hosting a special meetup featuring a presentation from Marco Foley. Foley’s career spans many industries from telecoms, financial services, gaming, public service and currently, aviation. He’ll be discussing the topic of quality. Specifically, what the industry believes quality is and what clients and customers believe it to be. Check it out, April 17th in Dublin’s Docklands.
Lunch and Learn
If the idea of an evening event doesn’t appeal then check out with Bizimply. Developers from all over Dublin are invited to The Digital Hub for a knowledge share over a light lunch and some refreshments. If you’re new to the city, it’s a great way to make connections and maybe even meet some new friends.